Strip Plot Example

Below is an example with a visualization and its accessible Olli output. Select an adapter to see the example visualization, Olli output, and code for the selected toolkit.

Olli controls

Press o to jump to the Olli structure.

When Olli has focus, the following keyboard commands are available:

  • Up / Down arrow — move up or down a level in the tree view
  • Left / Right arrow — move to previous or next item in a level
  • Home / End — move to first or last item in a level
  • x — jump to x-axis of current chart
  • y — jump to y-axis of current chart
  • l — jump to legend of current chart
  • o — jump to top level of current tree
  • Shift + Left / Right arrow — when chart has facets or layers, move to the corresponding item in the previous or next facet or layer
  • t — open the table view for the current location
  • f — open the filter menu to add or remove data filters

When there is more than one Olli instance on the page:

  • o — jump to the last visited Olli tree (or the first one on the page if none have been visited)

When focused on the top level of the current Olli tree:

  • o — jump to the next Olli tree on the page
  • shift + o — jump to the previous Olli tree

Vega-Lite Visualization:

Olli tree view:
